Unveiling Berlin Student Reporters
The start of Tropentag 2023 is just around the corner, and this year we, as Student Reporters, working hard to ensure full coverage of the events hosted by the Humboldt University of Berlin. Here is a sneak peek into our lives and stories!

The team
Ayodhya from Colombo, Sri Lanka

Hey! I am Ayodhya, and I am studying master’s degree in Agricultural Economics at the University of Kassel and Göttingen. I am happy to be a part of the Student Reporters Team and more of being a part of the videography team through which I am exposed to the world of scientific journalism. This is the perfect opportunity for me to get out of my comfort zone and gain some new experiences. Cheers to you all!
Chetan from Guntur, India

Hello, this is Koppuravuri V S Chetan Kumar Gupta, from India. I’m studying Master’s degree in International Food Business and Consumer Studies at the University of Kassel and Hochschule Fulda University of Applied Sciences. My background is in agricultural sciences, and I strongly believe in the importance of sharing the discoveries of the scientific community with the rest of the population, to raise awareness about the challenges and the possible solutions, which is particularly important for me, coming from a tropical country.
Francesca from Genova, Italy

Ciao! My name is Francesca. I am a student, doing MSc in Nutrition and Food Systems at the University of Gent, in Belgium. I am enthusiastic to join the Tropentag as a Student Reporter in the role of co-editor-in-chief to experience the behind-the-scenes of scientific communication, also to learn new skills, and gain fresh inspiration for my future. I am passionate about widening my horizons and gaining insights. I am so excited to be part of the amazing opportunity where I can participate in such an international and multidisciplinary event.
Gideon from Ruacana, Namibia

Okamene! My name is Gideon Mawenge, and I am a Research Associate at the University of Hohenheim, Dept. Agricultural and Food Policy. I am presenting a poster at Tropentag 2023 on policy performance and stakeholders’ perspectives on achieving sustainable food production in Namibia. Looking forward to a meaningful engagement and bringing you scientific content!
Hannah from Boise, Idaho (USA)

Hey there! My name is Hannah Blake and I am a MSc student at Ghent University in Belgium studying Nutrition and Food Systems. I am a wanderer at heart, so I love to travel. I am passionate about improving nutrition worldwide, as well as sustainability in food systems, and I am so excited to be a Student Reporter this year at Troptentag! Communicating scientific information and events with a concise and educated point of view is extremely important in our field, and we feel extremely lucky to be part of this experience!
Kim from Zaandijk, The Netherlands

Hallo! I am Kim van Wijngaarden, a MSc student at Wageningen University studying Resilient Farming and Food Systems. I love being a Student Reporter as it allows me to meet people with the same interests from all over the world! I am also very excited to present my thesis during one of the workshops. Looking forward to creating a lot of content for you to follow along!
Grace from Laguna, Philippines

I’m Mary Grace Barbacias and I am studying MSc in Agricultural Sciences and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics at Bonn University. I joined the Student Reporter team because I want to put myself out there, experience new things, and build lasting connections along the way. I love my field of study which always excites me to gain new information in that area. I will be seeing Agriculture and Science through the eyes of a reporter this time and I am thrilled! See you!
Maximus from Lagos, Nigeria

Nnọọ :)……..I am Maximus Anochirim from Nigeria. I am a Master’s student of Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation from the University of Greifswald, Germany. My research interests are in restoration ecology and forest ecology, especially in the tropics. However, I also have a passion for science communication and creative storytelling, which is the reason why I wanted to become a Student Reporter this year. I am happy to explore this opportunity to communicate science in an interesting, inclusive, and innovative way.
Pooja from Delhi, India

Hi! My name is Pooja Nain. I am studying Master’s degree in Tropical Forestry at TU Dresden. I had a great experience last year as a student reporter and this year I take on the role of co-editor-in-chief. I am thrilled to take on new responsibilities and challenges! Moreover, I am glad to be a part of the Tropentag 2023 and to be in the center of the science community again.
Shikhar from Kathmandu, Nepal

Namaste! It’s Shikhar Acharya from Kathmandu, Nepal. I am studying for a Master’s in Food Quality and Safety at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. My motive for being a student Reporter’ is to explore the current ongoings and to communicate it to a larger audience.
Tristan from Wuhu, China

Hi! My name is Tristan Fang and I’m currently studying Nutrition and Food Systems at the University of Gent in Belgium. I’m passionate about films and food which is why I thought this would be a perfect opportunity for me. I’m responsible for filming and interviewing, so you’ll probably see me running around with a big camera and tripod all the time!
Yamie from Thyolo, Malawi

Hello! My name is Yamikani Harry Makwinja from Malawi. I am a PhD candidate in Integrated Management of Environmental Resources, a joint program between the United Nations University (FLORES) and Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden). I am excited to be a part of the Tropentag 2023. I like making connections and friendships with people of different backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures. Looking forward to covering a lot of content from you!